
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 13th, 2025

Notes & Combos

Scoring a DLv. MAX is always so much easier than KoG'ing, but with that being said, DLv. 19 this time around was absolutely riddled with meta decks, so MAXing was a bit harder than usual.

The only changes to the list since last time is swapping an MST and Tiaramisu for Roze and Kagari. The theory for Roze is that if my math was right, she gives a higher chance of opening a starter than the third MST thanks to making Engage also count as a monster for Small World. Also, I really wanted to cut out a different card over an MST, but every other slot simply feels too important.

And I gotta mention, besides bridging better due to being LIGHT, the funniest reason to run Roze over Raye is that she's so unused in actual Striker lists that hovering her in the DLM card search will start saying "Most Used-In Madolche" over Striker after I upload more, so that'll be entertaining to see once this list goes live.

For Kagari, the idea was that if I draw no starter going second but find Engage, I can try to go for a different win-con of blowing up the board, then using Kagari and a Widow Anchor'd monster to try going for lethal in true Striker fashion. It didn't come up in this climb, but neither did the missing Tiaramisu, since I'm not running Ticket or Overlay Control and thus can't really pull off many double Tiara combos.

Naturally, I don't have as much to say as I did last time, but at least the 5-streak games are pretty good for a change, sans the brick on the first one (although considering I was about to rank down, we take those)

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  1. Lyrilusc (thank god they bricked on my rank-down lol)

  2. HERO

  3. Predaplant

  4. Shaddoll

  5. Salamangreat

HERO ("""going first""")

Sky Striker (brick into win combo real)