Notes & Combos
Salad and HEROes being top-tier decks again? Are we back in 2022?
I have chosen to run 3 Spinnys in this deck because opening Spinny or Circle allows you to send Transcendence with Gazelle instead of Spinny so that you can wipe the opponent's board on their turn with Pyro Phoenix.
Beat Bison and Parro are pretty much additional Salad names and their effects don't come up too often (although Bison can be a free beater if needed), so you can replace them with additional staples if you want.
I only have 2 Droplets and I don't feel like pursuing the 3rd one just yet, so if you have a 3rd one, you can replace one of the Crosswipes with it.
I was trying out Amblowhale during DLv. 19 but it didn't really do much from my experience, so I may end up replacing it with Ningirsu like I have with previous builds (unless further testing proves otherwise).