Notes & Combos
I’m so sorry!! I’m playing this inane deck for the following reasons:
- I somehow managed to pull 3 E-Call when digging through other stuff in the box that I wanted.
- I have personal stuff going on later in the month and want to finish Ranked and KC Cup quickly.
- I am challenging myself to KOG with different decks every month (in Speed Duels at least…I do not have that kind of determination for Rush lol).
- In the even that the older box containing the Vision HEROs gets added to the Box Chip pool, I now have all the tools needed outside of those two cards to play the much cooler Omni-HERO deck.
I only ever lost if I played like a dumbass or bricked on tech cards. In terms of any particular choices in my list, my hot take is that I didn’t like the Limit 2 battle fader traps because they minus you, Kiteroid was usually enough as it could also be a Neos Fusion target. The Limit 3 traps are literally the best cards in the whole deck (Lost Wind especially), so naturally I would expect one or more of this deck’s staple cards from the structure deck to get put on the banlist. However, what I think would be more significant is one or more of the following proposed changes to the Skill, which is the real problem:
- Set Polymerization on the field instead of putting it in the hand so it can’t be used as infinite discard fodder. If Tachyons had to have their omni-negate put on the field to prevent interactions with Parshath, we should do the same here.
- Make Armed/Rainbow Dragon go to hand instead of setting them on the field. Most HERO decks don’t even play the Armed Neos fusion anyway and it never made sense that they could cheat out the big dragons anyway while Chazz/Jessie have to summon them properly with their own Skills.
- Return the required card to the deck instead of the GY to activate the Skill. I propose the same change to Salamangreat, which I honestly hated running into even more than the mirror.
I named this deck “Avengers End-Lame” because the mirror matches involve a cavalcade of mediocre superheroes that teen boys cream themselves over, and also because I just really hate superhero movies (except Howard the Duck which is the only good movie Marvel has ever made, fight me on it!). It’s unfortunate that this deck is Like This because imo Jaden is the best protagonist because he’s the most gay-coded and he has a boyfriend, and yes I’m aware that I’m part of the problem for using this deck on ladder…
Replays are from both KC Cup and KOG.
Mirror Mirror2 Lv.Max Salad Birbs KOG (Mirror)