Notes & Combos
Best deck Salamangreat is back. Third Pyro Phoenix is mandatory for the mirror in my opinion. Second Miragestallio is something I considered as well, but im not entirely sold on playing two yet. So far I prefer to have access to the 0c combo in the event you don't open a way to play through veiler. I'd rather set up a good board with good follow up instead of some scuffed board because I elected not to play the fire fist xyz. Two sanctuary might not be a meme, and it never felt bad to open one because I was playing two.
Attached below are some replays from the King of Games climb.
Replay 1: The first replay is a Salamangreat mirror match. If you go first in the mirror your goal is to survive which means you should aim establish double Balelynx in your graveyard while generating as much advantage as possible. If you open open Spinny it's favorable to send Salamangreat Circle to the graveyard off of Gazelle so that you can use its second effect to survive.
Replay 2: This was versus Hero. If you go first vs Hero your aim is to survive their beatdown by walling up and generating significant follow up. If you go second your goal is to lockdown the back row with Salamangreat Fowl, and then proceed to set up a board nuke while establishing lethal.
Replay 3: Predaplant. Going first I tend to play this match up similar to Hero by walling up and generating a lot of card advantage. It's important to leave cards like Salamangreat of Fire in the graveyard to stop your opponent from lethaling over a small attack monster with their Starving Venom. Just be mindful of Starving Venom when disrupting your opponents plays.
Replay 4: Live Twin. My plays may seem a bit weird here, but it's because I was playing around Nibiru the entire duel. When Miragestallio hit the board I knew my opponent had Nibiru. To play around Nibiru the goal was to add Salamangreat Circle off of the reincarnated Sunlight Wolf, and then attempt to bait End Phase. In the event that the opponent used Nibiru you would chain circle to make your sunlight unaffected and therefore be unable to be tributed. They elected not to use it so I toggled on to search Falco for Burning Shell fodder.