
King of Games from on July 17th, 2024
Gems 21k
22 cards

Notes & Combos

Unchained seems very strong this format. Immediate win against borrel link, savage misses timing a lot and abominable's effect in hand can chain block void ogre. Skull meister and storm were MVPs. the backrow destruction paired with popping your own unchained traps massively helps against sacred beast. skull meister is amazing against fleur, zombies, and the mirror. Only had 1 of the search spell or I'd run 2. Abominable and the other level 8 are really good for forcing out interaction before you go into combo. Did not see shaddoll once in my climb which is a little sad to me since I played a lot of shaddoll the past few seasons, but shaddoll seems like it'd be the best check to unchained from my perspective. The biggest problems I ran into were not drawing into backrow removal against sacred beast and running out of steam against decks who could recycle resources longer. Messed around with the darkraze skill a bit but fiend's exchange seemed most consistently helpful since the other level 8 (not abominable but I forget the name) feels like a semi-garnet. Running 3 of chamber instead of the other trap because recycling the link 2 felt more helpful than the targeting destruction


KoG rank up duel against infernoble fleur: https://duellinks.konami.net/att/00961c91012f547461eb215244396b412f577b199e