Crystal Beasts

King of Games from on March 7th, 2025
Gems 53.5k + $38
30 cards

Notes & Combos

Second overdrive never came up, I added it late climb since there were times I really needed an extra overdrive.

With 2 rainbow dragons I only drew both 1 time.

The top priority when sending 2 beasts for skill is to keep a normal summon so you can keep on comboing after they veiler your carbuncle.

After playing this deck for a few months I always make sure to have exacly 7 beasts in rotation, konami should make a rainbow dragon retrain that can summon itself with 8 beasts, since if you just combo off it's easy to ruin rainbow dragon's summoning condition.

I tried the sky striker package but I felt like it's too underwhelming even if you draw the boardbreaking cards, usually just using the second part of the skill to get rid of a problem set card is enough.

Best way you could easily stop cb entire turn when they go second is if they already used the first part of the skill to send 2 beasts, and activated the second part of the skill to set raigeki or conclave, and are now activating crystal bond, is to somehow get rid of the set backrow before bond resolves, that way they clogged up their backrow and can't activate golden rule.

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