King of Games from on March 9th, 2025
Gems 44k + $11
30 cards

Notes & Combos

All i can say as a returning player last december, spending $30 bucks was worth it.

Was in Legend 2 before the banlist hits. from there, I manage to make it to KOG with only 40 wins in total. The Grind game during duels just got a lot harder since no more unlimited draw. Solid Soldier provides a lot of flexibility because of the ability to summon stratos or liquid from the graveyard to recycle their effects depending on the situation. Kuriboh helps a lot as a great tech to destroy a high attack boss monsters and to disrupt the opponents board. Nobody is expecting drowning mirror now a days and it wins games too. DDD disrupts salads, predaplants and other graveyard heavy decks so hard.

I am contemplating on getting a 3rd Emergency call but this might be the last month i play with Elemental Glue eaters.

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