Psychics: Rush!

King of Games from on March 8th, 2025
Gems 21.5k
32 cards

Notes & Combos

It took me 24 games in Gold 5 to make it to KOG this month. This format is ROUGH for us Psychic girlies, Gaia is super threatening to this deck which wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t what literally everybody was playing right now. Quick shoutout to the Gaia player at my Rank-Up who decided to just scoop immediately in draw phase, you saved me a lot of trouble.

I also want to give a shoutout to SonicSmashBro for his guide on how to play this deck, this would have taken significantly longer without his explanation & replays on how to pilot this deck optimally. As much as this deck is all about LP manipulation and proper resource management (especially w/ how and when to use the Skill), the real trick to playing this deck is to basically just pray you don’t get slammed for lethal on turn 2.

As far as my individual deck choices, a 3rd Can:D Live never came up and I don’t have Star Restart which is why I’m running JAM:P Check! as my other Limit 3 card, also 2 Ice Pop was perfect and definitely came up! I will probably only invest in obtaining Restart if they walk some of the other Limit 3’s from this deck off the list.

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Gaia Dragias Dragias-2 Gaia-2