Psychics: Rush!

King of Games from on March 2nd, 2025
Gems 24.5k
30 cards

Notes & Combos

The main strength this Deck has is being able to have more than the standard 6000 Life Points due to plenty of ways to recover Life Points with Psypickupper, CAN:D LIVE, and JAM:P Start! being easily accessible multiple times throughout the Duel. For those that know BlazBlue, think Ragna the Bloodedge, in the sense that this artifically has more Life Points than any other Deck in the game, allowing it to survive Dragon OTKs among many other things that at most very few other Decks can.

Amabear Lilith is often neglected but can get problematic Fusions off the field for free if the opponent has no monsters in hand, so keep that in mind. But of course, the main event is CAN:D LIVE. Life Point recovery, bringing back Prima Guitarna the Shining Superstar, and being able to use your Life Points more aggressively to secure games or even OTK in one combo with help from CAN:D ALL. The threat of CAN:D LIVE alone can change the pace of any Duel at a moment's notice.

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