
King of Games from on September 13th, 2023
Gems 63k + $75
26 cards

Notes & Combos

I just came back to DL, I was playing master duel this year and last too, but overtime I could NOT handle Maxx c anymore. Anyways, Rokket is my favorite archetype and is so much fun. The biggest problem with the deck was drawing boot sector, but with a bigger card ratio thanks to into the void I didn't draw it as often. I believe is the perfect card for the deck, is like an upstart goblin and the down side of it is not a big deal because you want to have no cards in hand for void ogre. Maybe you can argue that later on is a brick, but at that point I think the duel is already decided. I would run 3 but I don't have the money or the gems xD.

Everything else about the extra deck and staples is just preference but after a lot of testing I believe those traps and cosmics cover almost every matchup. However, sometimes I found that I didn't have a way to clear the field efficiently I tried Dark end dragon, but it only works sometimes, dark rebellion was good for the vanilla beaters, and red dragon for everything else. Still I hope there is a better option in the future...

In any case, hopefully this helped you in one way or another :)


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