
Spicy Win Streaks from on March 14th, 2024 • 3 comments
Gems 53.5k + $148
20 cards

Notes & Combos

Sometimes you just want to go back to the simpler times. Times when all you did was to Summon one monster, maybe set two backrow, and then pass. All you need to go back to those simpler times is a deck that forc- err recommends that your opponent also play without Special Summoning.

Watch as your Shiranui opponents banish two monsters in their GY to summon... nothing. Marvel at your Mayakashi opponents taking ages to set-up their GY, only to not be able to summon anything. Laugh at Successor Soul not being activatable as it actually has to Special Summon to resolve its effect.

(Disclaimer: Yeah, they just need a Book of Moon to counter your Deck, but forcing these meta decks to actually not autopilot their combos is a different kind of satisfaction.)

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a year ago

"Sometimes you just want to go back to the simpler times. Times when all you did was to Summon one monster, maybe set two backrow, and then pass."

Ah yes, the Yubel/Hero turn 1 setup

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a year ago

holy based

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a year ago

This used to be a deck before we got witch that used banisher of the radiance instead but same concept. Also use one with 3 FA hang on Mach and southern stars